Cubit Innovation Labs contributes to the Success of the Master in Underwater Electroacoustics (EAS)

Cubit Innovation Labs contributes to the Success of the Master in Underwater Electroacoustics (EAS)

Cubit Innovation Labs is proud to have contributed to the success of the Master in Underwater Electroacoustics (EAS), organized by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa and the Italian Navy, in collaboration with esteemed partners such as CO.L.MAR. Srl, FINCANTIERI, FlySight, Leonardo, M23, Rheinmetall, Saipem, and WSENSE.

This specialized program enabled students to develop advanced skills in the design, production, installation, and operation of underwater sonar systems, addressing the needs of a rapidly evolving and technologically advanced sector.

Congratulations to all the participants for their achievements and for the valuable contributions they will bring to the field of underwater electroacoustics.

👉 Learn more about the Master EAS by visiting the official page: