Privacy Policy


(Code of Privacy – Legislative Decree 30.6.2003, n. 196 – Art. 13 – EU Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of personal data – Art. 13)

CUBIT (Consortium Ubiquitous Technologies) is a Limited Liability Consortium Company established in April 2007 by the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Pisa, Polo Navacchio S.p.A., and several highly innovative companies in the region to conduct research and innovation in the telecommunications sector.

CUBIT protects the privacy of its users and the security of the information and data processed through their presence on its web pages. It has provided a detailed document outlining the methods by which its activities comply with Privacy Rules. This document describes, among other things, which personal data is collected, the purposes and methods of processing such personal data, and the security measures adopted for their protection.

CUBIT’s Privacy Rules contain the necessary information pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196 (Privacy Code) which implements Directive 95/46/EC on personal data protection, and Art. 13 of EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”), as well as Authorization n.2/2008 on the processing of data revealing health status issued by the Personal Data Protection Authority, and Directive 2002/58/EC, as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC, on personal data protection in electronic communications.

In particular, CUBIT informs that the “data controller” under the Privacy Code is CUBIT s.c.a r.l., located at Via Giuntini n° 13, 56021 Cascina (PI), represented by its President and pro-tempore legal representative, Prof. Giuliano Manara.

The Portal “” is a service designed to provide easy and clear access to information about CUBIT’s products and services, research, and training activities.

The personal data and all information collected are related to the access and permanence on the Portal “” and include:

a) Mandatory information that, pursuant to Art. 24 letters a), b), c) of the Privacy Code and Art. 6 letters b), e) of the GDPR, must be collected to use the Service and without which CUBIT cannot provide the requested access. These may include:

– Mandatory/necessary information for technical reasons to make the Portal available and/or facilitate access and will be collected, stored, and used for a short time:   – IP address; date and time of access; access status and HTTP status code; volume of data transferred and content of the request; time zone differences from Greenwich (GMT) and language settings and browser versions, as well as versions of the operating system in use; – Data related to content entered by the user (e.g., comments, check marks, and/or “meta tag” sharing functions within chosen “head” elements, forming Snippets within search engines) published by the user on the Services. – Voice commands for voice control of activities and services may be used. These features require access to certain functions of your device to enhance the interactive experience. Your explicit consent through device commands will allow the collection of information for specific purposes indicated in the reference section.

Regarding mobile devices:

Location: Your explicit consent will allow the collection and use of sensor data necessary for the functioning of the APP’s Services, including the type of device in use, touch screen data, and information from the device’s accelerometer and gyroscope sensors. This information will enable the registration of the specific location of your mobile device (using, for example, GPS or Bluetooth). In any case, recording your IP address is essential to determine, for example, the country you are in to comply with existing regulations and industrial property agreements.

Voice: Your explicit consent to access the microphone will enhance the interactivity of your experience with our Services. You will always have the option to disable microphone access.

Refusal to provide the data will make it impossible to complete registration and use CUBIT services.

We will collect and encrypt your authentication information. Providing the above-described data for processing is mandatory.

b) Information that can be provided optionally, only with your specific and distinct consent (Arts. 23 and 130 Privacy Code and Art. 7 GDPR):

– For the following commercial information and Marketing purposes:

i) Sending via email, mail and/or messaging, newsletters, commercial communications, and/or advertising material on products or services offered by CUBIT and assessing satisfaction with the quality of services, which presuppose the processing of registration and authentication data: name, surname, username, password, email address, date of birth, gender, address, postal code, and country. These types of data are provided optionally by the user only if newsletter subscription is requested; ii) Information and tools for collecting statistical data to measure the correspondence of products to user expectations: Facebook pixel (; iii) Cookies: The Portal “” uses small text files stored in the terminal memory via the access browser, such as the language and/or settings preferred by the User, to make browsing more pleasant and in line with the User’s tastes. CUBIT has provided adequate information on the use and disabling of Cookies on its web pages, available further down on this page, “ and cookies/”

– For sharing purposes: non-identifying and profiling-free information will be shared with CUBIT Members and Partners to help commercial partners provide us with utilities, services, and promotional activities, as well as improve the quality of services and products offered and evaluate commercial and employment collaboration hypotheses (““) submitted by you for your exclusive benefit.

By consenting to the collection of data for statistical purposes and improving interaction between CUBIT and the User, and receiving “exclusive offers and promotions” and/or updates on initiatives related to CUBIT products for potential job applications, the user agrees and authorizes the collection, use, sharing, and other processing of their information, including for advertising purposes.

Data may also be shared with:

– CUBIT personnel and consultants, and Companies associated with and/or linked to CUBIT;
– State financial administration and Public Administration;
– Judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies, if CUBIT receives a formal request from the judicial authority concerning investigations, investigations, and findings regarding the alleged violation of laws and third
-party rights;
– Subjects with study and publication purposes of de-identified or aggregated information related to the use of the Service.

Exclusion from processing

In the event of access from mobile support, data related to your Hardware support functionalities such as photos and camera; location; geo-location (data from the touch screen; information from the device’s accelerometer and gyroscope sensors, related to the specific location of your mobile device, and there is no possibility of interfacing with proximity applications (i.e., iBeacon); voice; contacts; data related to access and preferences expressed during the stay.

The Portal “” is designed and intended for use by adults and not for children under 18. CUBIT does not collect personal data from individuals who declare themselves to be under 18.

The use of credentials that do not correspond to the user intending to register constitutes unlawful impersonation and as such constitutes a crime against public faith.

Data retention

The only data that will be collected as per the previous point a) will be stored on our dedicated servers located in Italy at Noze S.r.l., via Mario Giuntini, n.25/29, 56021 Navacchio di Cascina (PI), specifically appointed, where they will be processed to allow the functionalities described in this notice.

The data will not be transferred outside the European borders without express and justified authorization.

CUBIT guarantees the utmost confidentiality of personal data by applying the most suitable technologies, in compliance with Italian and European standards on minimum security measures to prevent unauthorized access to its databases, potential loss, and/or accidental destruction of data.

Access to personal data will also be allowed to the personnel of all operational offices of the Data Controller and all other processing locations where the Parties concerned are located: in particular to those appointed as “Data Processor” pursuant to Art. 29 of the Privacy Code, as well as those in charge of telematic network security and generally those designated as “Persons in Charge of Processing” pursuant to Art. 30 of the Privacy Code to offer user support related to the services offered by CUBIT, respond to requests from Judicial Authorities, verify non-compliant behavior, and for any other need.

Data export

CUBIT ensures that the transfer and storage of data in the Company’s database will occur, in any foreign country, in high-protection mode. In any case, data transfer to third parties in such countries will not occur without obtaining your explicit consent beforehand.

Exercise of rights by the data subject

CUBIT allows you to exercise the rights listed in Art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 and Art. 15 of EU Regulation 679/2016, namely to:

  1. obtain information about the existence or not of personal data concerning you and their communication in an intelligible form;
  2. obtain indication:
    a) of the origin of the personal data;
    b) of the purposes and methods of processing;
    c) of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with electronic means;
    d) of the identifying details of the data controller, processors, and the designated representative pursuant to Art. 5, paragraph 2 of the Privacy Code and Art. 3, paragraph 1, Regulation EU 679/2016;
    e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as designated representative in the State territory, managers, or agents;
  3. obtain:
    a) updating, rectification, or, when interested, integration of data;
    b) deletion, anonymization, or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data that need not be retained for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed;
    c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also regarding their content, to those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, except where this proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort concerning the protected right;
  4. oppose, in whole or in part:
    a) for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
    b) to the processing of personal data concerning you for sending advertising or direct sales material or for conducting market research or commercial communication,
  5. through the use of automated systems and/or via email and/or through traditional marketing methods via telephone and/or postal mail. Please note that the right to object can be exercised even partially. Therefore, the individual can choose to receive only communications through traditional methods or only automated communications or neither type of communication.
    Exercise the rights under Articles 16-21 GDPR (right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to object), as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.

The above rights may be exercised by sending a communication via registered mail to: CUBIT s.c.a r.l. Via Mario Giuntini n° 13, 56021 Cascina (PI) Attention: Prof. Giuliano Manara, President and Legal Representative Pro-Tempore or via email to

The updated list of data processors and persons in charge of processing is kept at the registered office of the Data Controller.

This Information Notice is subject to periodic review and possible update.



As indicated in the banner displayed on the homepage, this site uses Cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text strings that the websites visited by the user send to their terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored to be retransmitted to the same sites during the next visit by the same user. During the navigation on a website, the user may also receive cookies on their terminal that are sent by different sites or web servers (so-called “third-party cookies”), where some elements may reside (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site they are visiting. Cookies, usually present in large numbers in users’ browsers and sometimes with long persistence characteristics, are used for different purposes: execution of computer authentications, session monitoring, storage of information on specific configurations regarding users accessing the server, etc.

What are the main types of Cookies?

The Privacy Authority’s provision of May 8, 2014, distinguishes two main categories: “technical” cookies and “profiling” cookies.

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are used solely to “carry out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service” (see art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code). They are not used for additional purposes and are usually installed directly by the website owner or manager. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which ensure the normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas); analytics cookies, which are similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site; functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (e.g., language, products selected for purchase) to improve the service provided to them.

According to current legislation, the installation of these cookies does not require users’ prior consent.

Profiling Cookies

Profiling cookies are aimed at creating user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the web. Due to the particular invasiveness these devices can have within users’ private spheres, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and express valid consent. Article 122 of the Privacy Code refers to them, where it states that “the storage of information in the contractor’s or user’s terminal device or the access to information already stored is permitted only on condition that the contractor or user has given their consent after being informed with the simplified procedures referred to in article 13, paragraph 3 of the Privacy Code.”

Some examples

Session and Persistent Cookies

Session Cookies contain the information used in your current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser. Nothing is stored on your computer beyond the time you use the site.

Persistent Cookies are used to retain information between one access to the website and another or are used for technical purposes and to improve website navigation. This data allows websites to recognize you as a known user or visitor and adjust accordingly. “Persistent” cookies have a duration set by the website, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Site Owner and Third-Party Cookies

Please note that it is important to consider the different entities that install cookies on the user’s device, depending on whether it is the same site operator the user is visiting (which can be referred to as the “publisher” or “owner”) or a different site that installs cookies through the first (so-called “third parties”).

Therefore, there will be:

Owner’s Cookies, created and readable by the site that created them.

Third-Party Cookies, created and readable by external domains and whose data is stored by the third party.

In order to collect such data, our partner may need to place a cookie (a small text file) on your computer. For more information regarding this type of service based on user preferences, derived from third-party cookies, you can visit the third-party sites at the links provided below.

Registered Visitors

Regarding registered visitors who have given their consent during registration, we reserve the right to analyze their online activities on our websites and online services through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. If you have chosen to receive communications from us, we may use cookies and other tracking technologies to personalize future communications according to your interests.

Furthermore, in compliance with and within the limits of the relevant legislation, we reserve the right to use cookies or other tracking technologies within the communications you receive from us (for example, to know if they have been read or opened or to detect which content you interacted with and which links you opened), in order to make future communications more relevant to your interests.

Which Cookies are Used by This Website, Their Main Characteristics, and How to Deny Consent to Each Cookie

This website may send you the following cookies, briefly described for the purposes specified below.

Owner’s Technical Cookies

They are used to operate the CMS platform. They do not collect private, personal, or other data and are intended as “session” cookies, meaning they are automatically removed when the window is closed.

Main Third-Party Cookies

Google Analytics: it is specified that IP anonymization is activated by default. This means we cannot trace your private data, but they are used only for statistical data on website access.

WooCommerce recently viewed: a cookie that remembers which products the user has previously viewed on the site.

Enabling and Disabling Cookies via the Browser

The user is free to deny consent to the use of any cookie, understanding that if you decide to disable technical cookies, your browsing experience might be compromised to the point of making it impossible to use the site’s features.

Each browser has different settings and procedures for managing cookies.

Below you will find specific links to access and modify your browser settings.