SUNRISE project – Development of Technologies for Proximity Services and Mobility in Smart Territories

Progetti Regionali

SUNRISE project – Development of Technologies for Proximity Services and Mobility in Smart Territories

The SUNRISE project aims to develop new technologies dedicated to local mobility services, with the goal of addressing the current fragmentation by offering integrated services, including mobile information, tourist information, smart parking, mobile payment, reservations, etc., and advanced marketing services (advertising, co-marketing, etc.)


POR FESR 2014-2020 – Bando 1. Progetti Strategici di Ricerca e Sviluppo.




Intelligent Automation , Connectivity and M2M Integration , IoT and Cloud Solutions

The SUNRISE project aims to develop an innovative open modular solution based on the integration and collaboration of various proximity technologies (and other IoT technologies) capable of enabling an entire ecosystem of proximity services.

The SUNRISE project’s goal is to analyze the state-of-the-art market technological components and define and design a modular and open HW and SW environment aimed at developing an integrated ecosystem of innovative services, such as Proximity and Location-Based Services (P&LBS) with high added value (Infomobility, Tourist Info, Smart Parking, M-payment, e-ticketing reservations, etc.). This ecosystem aims to overcome the current fragmentation scenario and provide users with a seamless mobility experience throughout the entire service usage lifecycle. The infrastructure will also support additional advanced marketing services (advertising, co-marketing, retargeting) with lead generation and contact enhancement.

By adopting open standards and protocols, surpassing the current proprietary and non-interoperable systems, the project will create a technological and business model capable of adapting to various operational contexts, laying the groundwork for an extensive territory network among different systems.

To achieve this, the project has developed and tested the concept of a “Hybrid Proximity Cell,” where various wireless technologies (Beacon, BLE, WPS, etc.) coexist and integrate within the same cell or overlapping cells to create innovative service environments where various solutions can coexist and cooperate. Building on this multi-tech environment, SUNRISE has implemented a set of basic and advanced high-value-added technologies and services designed to organize and optimize an experience circuit based on the common thread of proximity and location in general.

Prototypical solutions have been developed for specific sectors, such as integrated mobility between cities, healthcare, tourism, cultural heritage, and territorial marketing, to demonstrate the opportunities offered by SUNRISE’s integration and interoperability. All components have been designed to be easily and dynamically integrated; the various services can be scaled, enabling the creation of a dynamic offer of products/services that effectively respond to many current market needs.

The community model proposed by SUNRISE will evolve into a business (and public services) ecosystem based on digital identities and payment cards, potentially eliminating cash payments and fully implementing the cashless city paradigm with the introduction of the PSD2 directive.

Partnership: Engineering SpA (lead partner), Consortium Ubiquitous Technologies – CUBIT Scarl, Liberologico Srl, DATA POS Srl, PlaNet Srl, Project Srl, Leonet Srl.

Total amount of funding to Cubit: €205,709.39, divided as follows: year 2017: €148,650.18; year 2019: €57,059.21.

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