Cubit supported SECO in the design of SCORPIUS, a microcontroller board equipped with integrated mobile connectivity for a wide range of IoT and industrial applications.
In collaboration with SECO’s R&D Unit, Cubit conducted preliminary assessment activities to define the mechanical dimensions of the device and identify the components to be used. Following the technical analysis of the identified and agreed-upon solutions, co-design of the electrical schemes, BOM, and 3D PCB Layout was carried out, leading to the realization of printed circuits and prototyping of the device, tested in a climate chamber within the range of -40°C /+65°C. Together with SECO, the necessary firmware for device certification and test firmware for board verification were developed, culminating in the final RED and FCC certification of the prototype.
SCORPIUS is based on the Espressif ESP32-D0WDQ6 module and is available in two versions: with a PCB antenna or with an IPEX antenna. The heart of this module is the dual-core Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 microcontroller. The device is equipped with an external 4MB SPI flash memory and an additional 8MB SPI pseudo-static RAM (PSRAM); Wi-Fi and BT/BT LE are integrated. Its features and the integration of a rich set of peripherals (capacitive touch sensors, SD card interface, high-speed SPI, GPIO) allow it to offer high performance in terms of electronic integration ease, range, power consumption, and connectivity.
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